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ACWF President Visits Women Frontline Workers in Fight Against COVID

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ACWF President Visits Women Frontline Workers in Fight Against COVID-19

 March 8, 2020

Shen Yueyue, President of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), and Huang Xiaowei, Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF, visited and expressed their regards to family members of medical workers aiding the fight against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Central China's Hubei Province, and women frontline medical workers, women community workers and staff members of women's federations at grassroots level in Beijing on International Women's Day, which falls on March 8.

Shen and Huang visited the family of Chen Hongyun, a nurse at Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, who is aiding the fight against COVID-19 in Wuhan, capital city of Hubei Province.

Shen paid respect to Wu Guohua, Chen's mother, who works as a volunteer on the prevention and control work in the community while her daughter is fighting against COVID-19 on the front line.

Shen urged the women's federations to offer better services to families of the frontline medical workers, including delivering vegetables and providing psychological consultation service for them, and help solve their problems in attending to the elderly people and educating children at home.  

Shen also thanked and paid respect to all the women medical workers fighting on the front line in a phone call with Chen.

Shen visited a community health service station during her inspection tour in Beijing's Daxing District and extended greetings to community medical workers. She appreciated for the targeted and considerate measures the station had taken to serve the residents under quarantine at home and the pregnant and lying-in women. She encouraged the grassroots medical workers to continue protecting the local residents with better medical services such as health care of pregnant and lying-in women, vaccination of infants and young children and treatment of elderly patients with chronic diseases while protecting themselves well.

Shen then visited women community workers, women volunteers and staff members of the grassroots women's federation in the community, investigating the roles of women and women's federations in the joint epidemic prevention and control work.

Shen urged the staff members of the women's federations, especially Party members, to play a bigger role in the anti-virus fight, organizing members of the executive committees of women's federations and women volunteers to motivate more people to offer voluntary services, making their own contributions in winning the battle against the epidemic.


(Source: China Women's News/Translated and edited by Women of China)


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